Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Not-So-True Christmas Story

I attended an Early Release Day workshop recently at the school where I work. Among the activities, we had to write about a holiday experience. So, I made one up. I volunteered to read it out loud, and everybody seemed to get a kick out of it, so I decided to post it here. Merry Christmas to all!

A Not-So-True Christmas Story

Grandma got run over by a reindeer. No, really, she did! It all happened on a cold, snowy winter’s night in Miami. My family and I were sloshing through the sidewalk of our neighborhood, going from house to house singing off-key renditions of classic Christmas carols like “You Put WHAT in the Eggnog?” and “The Pig Fell on the Ground Last Noche Buena.” Needless to say, we were a big hit.

As we were turning to leave a particularly well-decorated house, Grandma tripped over an extension cord that had been obscured by the relentless snowfall. As the cord went taut, it caught a nearby plastic Rudolph statue complete with bulbous red nose that blinked to the rhythm of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” The red-nosed ruminant came flying across the lawn and tackled poor Grandma, pinning down her frail shoulders with its shiny plastic hoofs. She was okay, however, her unfortunate fall cushioned by the soft white blanket underneath. We helped Grandma up and continued on our merry way, stopping by La Carreta for some churros and hot chocolate before heading home to open our Christmas presents.

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